Sunday, 22 March 2015

Continuity Task - First Edit

This is our first edit of the continuity task. I think that it went okay considering that me and Georgie were the only people in our group available on the day that we were shooting. however we could have improved the match on action in some of the shots and also tried to keep a much steady camera in almost all of the shots. this leads me to consider the fact that we should try using different shots instead of ones that involve panning and also movement shots. We should learn from this and re-shoot it to make sure we can fix these errors.

(video needs to be added)

(Credits to Alex)

Continuing on from Alex, the first edit we done was fairly hard considering me and Alex had to be the actors, camera man, and editors which was a slight struggle however we did receive help from Jamie when filming parts of the clip that both of us had to be in, although once we had edited it all and showed sir, he managed to pick out part of the clip that needed improving and parts of clip that were unnecessary this was maybe due to the fact that some of the clip was filmed by hand holding the camera which resulted into the camera shot being shaking and in some places out of focus, because of this, it encouraged our group to re-shoot our clip including all the improvements we were given and to take the advice sir gave us on board.

Shot list ..

  1. Person A walks up to a door
  2. Shot of hand pushing door
  3. Shot of person A walking through the door
  4. Shot of person B sitting down
  5. Shot of person A asking person B if they're ok
  6. Reverse shot (CU) of person B replying
  7. Shot of person B standing up
  8. Shot of person B asking person A a question
  9. Shot of person A's reaction and answer
  10. Person B sighs and walks out the fire exit
  11. Person A follows after person B out the fire exit
  12. Shot of person A and person B facing each other
Location- Spanish department
actors - Me and Alex

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